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Is finding an office a simple matter? Yes and no. As any leading economist would say, "It depends." It mainly depends on your requirements. From my experience, some people need an office in the city center, while others prefer to save money or are looking for a conference room. Based on several dozen conversations with people searching for an office, I have identified five things you must pay attention to when looking for an office.

1. Location of the Office

An office only in the city center? Not necessarily. There are pros and cons. In the Old Town, for example, it's hard to park, but the multitude of dining options is a plus. What is important? Access to public transport. In large cities, owning a car is not very convenient. Traffic jams and air pollution are common issues. Many people choose public transport, and rightly so.

That is why it is essential to be close to bus and tram stops, allowing your employees to arrive on time. What distance is optimal? In my opinion, a maximum of 7-10 minutes from the nearest stop. It is also worth paying attention to bicycle access.

Center - Public Transport - Bicycles

2. Internet

It just so happens that 90% of our clients are IT companies, and 100% of them work on the Internet. So it is obvious that the Internet has to be fast. The question is, how fast? I believe that at the moment, a minimum of 200/200 Mbps with a symmetrical link is necessary.

Sure, the faster, the better. We have 1 Gbps/1 Gbps.

Additionally, if your main activity is online, I recommend finding an office that offers Internet from two different providers. If one fails, the other will allow your team to continue working without hassle. We recommend this approach; it's tried and tested.

Fast Internet - Symmetric - 2 Providers

3. Office Chairs

You might laugh, but the lack of comfortable chairs is a significant pain point for people working while sitting. In our opinion, chairs with a headrest and lumbar support should be standard. When it comes to amenities, one life changer in work chairs is the headrest.

This is the feedback we get from our developer clients. If you are programming, it means that 90% of your working time is spent sitting. Neck pain is an increasingly common problem among developers, often due to uncomfortable chairs. Invest a little more and enjoy healthy employees who have chairs with headrests.

Chairs - Back Pain - Headrests

4. Access to the Office

You might think, "That's cool, my new office!" But is it really going to be your office? In my opinion, only when you have unlimited access to it. The ability to use the office 24/7 should be standard if you sublet an office for your team.

Some like to come to work early (very early!), others are night owls, and some want to catch up on work during the weekend.

Check if the office is open only during administrative working hours. 24/7 access, your key, and access - this is required!

24/7 - Continuous Access - Weekends

5. Common Spaces

We have a new client in one of our offices. While viewing the room, I was asked if the use of the dining room was free. A bit confused, I asked what was going on. It turned out that in their (already) previous office there was an additional subscription fee if the employee wanted to eat in the kitchen and dining space.

Remember, social spaces are extremely important in the workplace. Personally, I cannot imagine a situation where there is an additional fee for access to the kitchen (knowing life, probably still prohibitive). Make sure your team members have a place to rest.

No extra charges - Integration - Kitchen

These are just 5 things you should check. And if you are looking for a place with great access to public transport, fast symmetrical Internet from 2 different suppliers, chairs with headrests, 24/7 access to the office and free common spaces - check out our office at Józefitów 8 in Krakow :)

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